Today we operate our school according to a plan. In the past we didn't always, but we tried, and through trial and error, and a little luck, we've developed a simple, straight-forward program that yields fantastic students.
We have different programs with different lengths for students with different levels of commitment.
We use a planned, orchestrated curriculum designed to yield a specific result - a Black Belt.
We rotate a series of classes over 10 weeks designed to take a student from his/her current belt to the next level up.
We rotate those 10 weeks 5 times over the year.
Each rotation has a name or an emphasis, even though it isn't readily apparent to the students.
The result is that no two classes are ever the same, even though we do the same outline 5 times a year.
Our definition of a Black Belt is 'a master of the basics.'
The time requirement is 3 years and 300 classes minimum, but if it takes longer so be it.
To become a Black Belt a student must 'master': Think of these as the 'Tip of the Iceberg'
- Basic techniques including 5 kicks, 4 punches/strikes/8 blocks and 3 stances.
- Four forms or 'kata'
- Seven Kicking/Punching techniques
- Seven Basic Self Defense attacks
- Run 2 miles through our wooded cross country course
- Perform 100 sit-ups & Push-ups
- One Hundred Kicks on the heavy bag in 1 minute.
- Adults will do a 5 minute continuous punching bag set.
Along the Way each student has the option to Perform 12 Personal Projects for colored star shaped patches on his/her uniform. (Designed for younger students, but they are encouraged to involve their folks/family)
- Goal Setting
- 1000 Techniques
- 50 Acts of Kindness, Courtesy & Respect
- 30 Days of Healthy Eating
- Participation in Our Student Tournament
- Excellent Grades: All A's & B's
- Walk/Bike/Run 100 miles in 30 Days
- 100 Form Repetitions
- Demonstration of 12 Self Defense Scenarios
- 30 Day of 100 Push Ups/Sit ups/kicks with each Leg
- Creativity - Create you own form with a teammate
- Take part in a fund raiser/food drive or community project
Our Monthly Themes are color coordinated to match our 12 Belts to Black Belt:
White - Achievement
Gold - Focus
Orange - Motivation
Green - Enthusiasm
Purple - Courage
Purple Stripe - Integrity
Blue - Respect
Blue Stripe - Self Discipline
Red - Confidence
Red Stripe - Vision
Brown - Teamwork
Brown Stripe - Commitment
We don't have 'Tests', we have 'Graduations'
We consider every class important, or a 'test', just as each day is a test in our daily lives. Every 4-5 classes a student will earn a progress stripe, showing that they know their belt level requirements.
After 3 black stripe and 1 red one they are ready to promote.
Our Belt Promotion is a recognition of 20 classes of consistent work - nobody shows up by accident.
Black Belt 'Alchemy'...turning ordinary into extraordinary...
The missing piece are the Instructors. At McDonald's, an employee can be trained in a short period of time. The same thing can be accomplished in martial arts too, if you start teaching a student the principles of a excellent instructor on his/her first class. Leadership is something you just do, it must be a part of everything we do or we won't be successful.
'Setting the Example'. Each student learns about our legacy of respect, starting with the very first class he is taught how we show respect in the school, at home, and in the Dojo. By the time she is a Black Belt she has been a leader on our floor for up to three years.
Measuring Performance: Qualitative and Quantitative... to be continued...