Thursday, August 18, 2011

Instructors - Random Thoughts

  1. Schedule everything
  2. It is not about what someone gets to do, but what they can become
  3. Practice pays off - practice privately 100 times for every public performance
  4. To be interesting become interested
  5. Exceed expectations - consistently
  6. Pause before responding
  7. You have only 1 chance to make a good 1st impression.
  8. Education is experience
  9. Confidence is the result of experience
  10. Become your own competition

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

4 Things Every Karate Instructor Should Know

1. It is not necessarily about teaching martial arts, but developing relationships.

2. It is not necessarily about your style, the 'what', but about your settings expectations, the 'why', and holding your students accountable, 'the how'.

3. It is not necessarily about skill development, but about learning the ability to set goals and accomplish them. Instructors need to remember that it karate skills are only a means to an end, and not the end in themselves.

4. It is not necessarily about you. Don't let your ego get in the way. The minute you realize that your job is to be respected through your professional example and not be popular with your students your will be well on your way to a rewarding career as a martial arts instructor.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Seven Steps on the Black Belt's Journey...

How we look at the world and approach our daily lives will dictate the quality of our life. When we focus on our ego's and are driven by our fears and desires we are in direct conflict with our Black Belt ideal. 

Here is a short list from several sources including Wayne Dyer, Stephen Covey, Spencer Johnson, and the Arbinger Institute. 

Remember: "Copying from one source is plagiarism, while copying from many is research!"

1.  Stop being offended. 
     We all know people who go out of their way to be offended by something and carry a grudge. Don't let people have that kind of control over you.

2.  Let go of your need to win.
     Try your best when competing, but understand that winning is a matter of preparation over luck, and the game is won far in advance. Don't be consumed with winning, but with preparing yourself to be your best.

3.  Let go of your need to be right.
     Insecure people are those who constantly need to prove themselves. The personalize every argument, and when they are wrong they will refuse to admit it. If you are wrong or have made a mistake, then admit it! This is the mark of a true leader.

4.  Let go of your need to be superior.
     Don't be distracted with being better than others, rather concentrate on being better than you used to be. Stay focus on your own growth, remembering that no one is any more important than anyone else.

5.  Let go of your need to have more.
     Don't judge your worth on your possessions. You are not the stuff you've accumulated. Remember that it is in the giving of yourself - time, industry or knowledge that gives your life meaning. 

6.  Let go of identifying yourself on the basis of your achievements.
     Be grateful for the talents and abilities you possess and that they have allowed you to achieve, but understand that the root of your talents is not you but your Creator, and so give credit where credit is due. 

7.  Let go of your reputation.
     Your reputation is not you, but is located in the minds of others. You have no control of what others think of you, and so stop worrying about it. Make decisions based on your head and heart with scant attention paid to how it looks to others. 

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