6. Successful Instructors are enthusiastic
They are always in a positive mood - even during difficult times - and their enthusiasm is contagious. They seldom talk poorly of their school or business. When faced with unpleasant or negative situations, they choose to focus on the positive elements instead of allowing themselves to be dragged down. Remember, enthusiasm is not taught, it’s caught!
7. Successful Instructors take responsibility for their results
They do not blame internal problems, the economy, tough competitors, or anything else if they fail to meet their goals. They know that their actions alone will determine their results and they do what is necessary.
8. Successful Instructors work hard
Most people want to be successful but they aren’t prepared to work hard to achieve it. Superstar Instructors don’t wait for students to come to them; they go after them. They usually start work earlier than their colleagues and stay later than everyone else. They make more calls, prospect more consistently, talk to more people, and teach more classes. Successful instructors do what unsuccessful instructors won’t do; they do “Whatever it takes”.
9. Successful Instructors keep in touch with their students
They know that constant contact helps keep students so they use a variety of approaches to accomplish this. They send thank-you, birthday, and anniversary cards. They make phone calls and schedule regular ‘progress reviews’. They are constantly on the lookout for new and creative ways to keep their name in their students’ minds. They work 110% with students to help them progress their martial arts skills, achieve their individual goals and ensure they have an enjoyable time.
10. Successful Instructors show value
Today’s world is more competitive than ever before and most Instructors think that price is the only motivating buying factor. Successful Instructors recognize that price is a factor but it is seldom the primary reason someone chooses their school. They know that a well-informed buyer will usually base much of her decision on the value proposition presented by the Instructor. They know how to create this value with each student, they encounter.